ಮಂಗಳವಾರ, ಜೂನ್ 18, 2024

Chai Friendship


Once, a love for tea brought our friends group together each week. As we delived into health conscious lifestyle, we reduced the frequency of tea and that dimmed our frequency of meetups. 

The poem contemplates those moments.

The Team kadai gave the heat
for the corns to pop

Tea cup is empty
Thoughts are dim

Let tea turn to hot water
With a gentle brew
To simmer our worries
And evaporate our thoughts
and free us
Of emptiness

Jackfruit Spark


This poem captures my feelings when our once-chatty friend group(Chai Girls), silenced by daily challenges, reconnected  when one of the friend brought a jackfruit from her hometown. This brought back the liveliness and laughter.


I reflect,
This group is like Jack fruit
We stand aloof
No talks
Like the pricky skin

Peel the layers
And we bare the soul
un ending giggles like the fruits
with  endless themes

"Chai Girls" need a jack fruit
To start the unending conversations